More Cheat : Baseball Heroes Cheats - Free Buy All Item
Cheat Baseball Heroes Facebook Terbaru 2012
Baseball Heroes - Speedhack New Update 2012
New update cheat always homerun here
Credits : Vreaks
Disclaimer : Implement following steps at your own risk.
First You Must Have Required Tools :
- WinRar 4 : ( With Crack )
- CheatEngine Latest Version :
- Adobe Flash Lastest Version :
Sellect Your Favorite Browser :
- Mozilla Firefox :
- IE :
- Google Chrome :
- Opera :
(Click skip in adf'ly, at the top right of the page.)
Tips : In the filehippo . com , Press Green Button to Download.
Guide for Cheat :
1. Open Baseball Heroes :
Baseball heroes
[ You have to wait until loading has done ]
2. Open Cheat Engine.
Click process > List pick :
Mozilla Firefox : plugin-container.exe
Internet Explorer : ie.exe
GoogleChrome : xxxxx-chrome.exe ( check with speed hack before )
3. Play.
4. if it's your turn to hit the ball.
5. Goto Cheat Engine and Change speedhack to 0.5
6. Hit the Ball
7. you can change the speed by click "4x" at the top right in your screen.
(while you playing)
Disclaimer : Implement following steps at your own risk.
First You Must Have Required Tools :
- WinRar 4 : ( With Crack )
- CheatEngine Latest Version :
- Adobe Flash Lastest Version :
Sellect Your Favorite Browser :
- Mozilla Firefox :
- IE :
- Google Chrome :
- Opera :
(Click skip in adf'ly, at the top right of the page.)
Tips : In the filehippo . com , Press Green Button to Download.
Guide for Cheat :
1. Open Baseball Heroes :
Baseball heroes
[ You have to wait until loading has done ]
2. Open Cheat Engine.
Click process > List pick :
Mozilla Firefox : plugin-container.exe
Internet Explorer : ie.exe
GoogleChrome : xxxxx-chrome.exe ( check with speed hack before )
3. Play.
4. if it's your turn to hit the ball.
5. Goto Cheat Engine and Change speedhack to 0.5
6. Hit the Ball
7. you can change the speed by click "4x" at the top right in your screen.
(while you playing)
bisa jelasin sedikit lebih detil kgak ?
BalasHapuscara ngerubah speedhacknya begimana yak?
Udah ada video tutorialnya gan
Hapusiia, speedhack apaan?
BalasHapusAne berusaha jelasin ya.
BalasHapus1. Donlod dulu cheat engine nya (gugling, yg terbaru v6.2).
2. Klik yg ada gambar komputernya (process list)
3. Pilih browser internet yg dipake (kalo gugel chrome banyak, coba satu2 aja, nomer 5 tak jelasin). Klik open.
4. Centangin enable speedhack, pilih 0,5 utk melambatkan; 1 kecepatan normal; >1 lebih cepat dari normal (kalo gugel chrome ga bisa, cari di process list lainnya ampe bisa dicentang).
5. Klik apply.
6. Nah, gamenya bisa melambat/cepat.
7. Mendingan pas tanding speedhacknya tetep 0,5 sedangkan speed gamenya (di kiri atas) qt naikan 4x biar gak repot ngubah2 speedhack, sekalian sambil nikmatin lagu tandingnya :)
8. Habis tanding jangan lupa segera ubah speedhacknya jadi 1.0, kalo 0,5 ntar refill time nya ikut melambat.
1. Game dipercepat tetep ga bisa cepetin waktu mundurnya kayak refill energi, training, dan special batter).
2. Bikin akun hantu aja di fesbuk (4 cukup), jadi bikin akun fb baru trus mainin game pertama setelah tutorial game berakhir, biasanya avg nya 1. Biarkan, jgn dimainkan lagi, soalnya ngaruh avg kalo qt nge add friend batter. Lumayan naikin avg di akun fb qt yg asli.
3. Latian mukul pas tanding, gapapa kalah, biasanya yg sejajar dengan qt dapat nice, kalo agak mukul keduluan fly out.
4. Kalo semua usaha udah dilakuin tetap kalah, terima aja, soalnya kayaknya uda terprogram kalo qt harus out ato kalah dalam pertandingan, kecuali yg MUNGKIN tajir punya fb credit.
5. Lebih baik sportif tanpa cheat, tapi kalo internet lemot kayak punyaku, jadinya pas bolanya dilempar ngilang trus tiba2 strike, baru gunakan cheat engine nya.
5. Jangan stres kalo kalah, sebab qt (pelajar/mahasiswa yg uang sakunya pas2an), uda berusaha yg terbaik utk memenangkan game ini :)
Hapus3. Pilih browser internet yg dipake (kalo gugel chrome banyak, coba satu2 aja, nomer 4 tak jelasin). Klik open.
7. Mendingan pas tanding speedhacknya tetep 0,5 sedangkan speed gamenya (di kanan atas) qt naikan 4x biar gak repot ngubah2 speedhack, sekalian sambil nikmatin lagu tandingnya :)
kk sudah q cba caranya tpi nggax work kk beneran gamenya aja nggax nglambat tpi msih cpet aja
HapusBisa gak situ bikin video ? kalo bisa akan memperbaik caranya :)
BalasHapus#Kalo Bisa ya , cuma nanya
kalo bisa tolong
BalasHapusada cheat buat coins atw fb credit generator ga?
BalasHapuspake image dong ANJING, KASIAN TUH ORANG PADE
BalasHapusklo minta tolong g usah kasar2 juga kali tuh omongan,,
BalasHapusbukan nya syukur kek ada yg mo bantu jelasin
klo mau ente aja yg bikin gambarnya..
ada gak chit cashnya
BalasHapuswoiiii para anjing jalanan
BalasHapuswoy admin lw udah pernah nyobain Cheat Engine ini blom? dan berhasil ga ?
BalasHapusthank cheatnya berhasil
BalasHapusq bngga sma ini cheat.. . . . . .
makasih nih berhasill
BalasHapusUdh Berhasil kk THx
BalasHapusAda nie cheat ny...
BalasHapustpi rar ny di password...
ada yg tau pass ny gak ??
Nice CHEAT !!!!! 100000000% WORK !!!
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.
BalasHapusGx bisa kk, udah d speed Hack udah di apply tapi speed nya masih tetep :(
BalasHapusKk punya gw gx ada logo Flash playyer ama Pluggin nya itu kk (gw make Gogle Chrome)
BalasHapusMkasih kk Work 1000000000000000%
BalasHapuscheat BH terbaru gan.....
Trik itu Ane udah kena banned gan. hati2 :D
Hapusea elah hari gini masih cheat ??? -.- ayolah sportif dikit napa ? yg suka pake cheat berarti bego. wkwkwkwkwk
BalasHapusthx dude you are awesome :D
BalasHapusadobe nya yang mana sih versi apa ???
BalasHapusThank's min , info nya WORK 100% =)
BalasHapuskang, ada cheat baru lagi gk,, cheat yg lama gk work lgi,, gara2 tadi pagi maintance. -____-
BalasHapustested and work :D
BalasHapusmakasih kang :*
kren bget dah... #okesip
kang ad cheat tinggiin score baseball di leader boardny itu gk??
BalasHapuskang faqih,, update lagi donk cheat baseball herony..
BalasHapusyg kemarin udah gk bisa lagi nih..