Minggu, Februari 17, 2013

Win Arp Attacker 3.72 latest full reg

WinArpAttacker sesuai namanya, merupakan sebuah aplikasi dari STSoft yang banyak digunakan untuk menghack jaringan.
 Semoga digunakan dengan bijak.

tested : 
WinArpAttacker windows 7 32 bit
WinArpAttacker windows 7 64bit
WinArpAttacker windows 8 32 bit
WinArpAttacker windows 8 64 bit
WinArpAttacker win xp 32 & 64 bit

Win Arp Attacker 3.72 latest full registration key
Tested Virus total free
download link WinArpAttacker3.72.rar
password : faqih.id-fb.com

Sabtu, Februari 16, 2013

Download Avast Pro Antivirus 7 Crack till 2050 tusfiles mirror

Avast Pro Antivirus 7 Crack 2050 is good antivirus software. Avast Pro has a striking interface and many practical features such as: 

WebRep - provides proactive link scanning with color-coded security reputation ratings on search results
SafeZone - an inside-out virtual desktop (sandbox) tool for discreet online shopping or banking
AutoSandbox - automatically opens suspicious applications in the protected virtual sandbox
Security Gadget - a small desktop widget for Windows 7 or Vista to help you stay up to date on your security statusAvast Pro Antivirus 7 Crack Effectiveness: 
Virus Bulletin has certified Avast Pro Antivirus software with a VB100% (meaning that it caught 100% of in-the-wild viruses). AV Comparatives reports a high virus-detection rate, one of the best in the industry. AV Comparatives deems the software as one of the best solutions. Actual malware removal is still above average. Avast Pro Antivirus has also made a good showing in speed and performance tests. The antivirus software has only a light impact on startup and shutdown times. Smart scanning and multi-core optimization further speed up system scans and keep Avast Pro Antivirus light and unobtrusive.

Avast Pro Antivirus 7 Crack Features: 
Two outstanding features are the AutoSandbox and the code emulator. The sandbox works with both 32- and 64-bit systems, and it essentially lets your web browser run in a virtual environment where the software can keep tabs on file behavior. You can also run any software or application you think might be risky in the virtualized environment, and no damage will transfer from the secure sandbox to your actual computer. The Avast sandbox is automatic, and it will prompt you run certain suspicious applications in the virtual environment. The code emulator is used on risky executable files and runs them in a test environment. If the suspicious application behaves like malware, the software can detect it and block it accordingly.

If you love Avast, please consider ordering your own license.
1. Install [Avast PRO] or [Avast Internet Security] as trail (DEMO)
2. Disable Self-Protection module from Avast.(Go to Setting -->Troubleshooting )
You can re-enable it later.

3. Run [Avast 2050 by ZeNiX], and reboot.

5. Done
Note : For XP users please double click [AVAST XP ZeNiX.reg] to activate my 2050.
You can enable Avast's autoupdate with 2050.
You can re-enable Avast's Self-Protection module now.
Please always use your own license or DEMO license. 

Tested OK with following versions.
Avast 6.0.1367
Avast 7.0.1399
Avast 7.0.1403
Avast 7.0.1403
Avast 7.0.1407
Avast 7.0.1412
Avast 7.0.1414
Avast 7.0.1426

Test OK on following systems.
Windows XP
Windows 7 x86
Windows 7 x64

Added [Uninstall] of my 2050 in control panel.

Password: ZeNiX ( For Crack )

Download Crack Only in Mediafire link

[ Support Window 7 and Window Xp ] 

Update Link and Crack [ 2012-06-29 ] :)
Thanks to some user because concern about the old of the crack [ see in comment box ]

New Update Crack : 
fixed avast detect the piracy after install the crack


Tusfiles [ Fast And No limit ]

The password For Crack was ZeNiX ----> Z-e-N-i-X ( Not ZENIX <---this is all Uppercase )

Or You can look at license agreement

you can find it when you open the CRACK then select the language then NEXT

The Password was In the text Box in license agreement ( YOU MUST SCROLL DOWN )

Z <--Uppercase e <--Lowercase N <--Uppercase i <--lowercase X <--Uppercase

Any Problem.Just Leave Me A Message...Thanks ( Enjoys :)

Rabu, Februari 13, 2013

Status twitter Via app andoid apk download

Update your twitter Tweet via any app with full feauture tools
follow @kangfakih

Download :

list app twitter via
via Twaim 
Osfoora for iPhone 
ÜberSociаl for iPhone 
Scope App 
TweеtCaster for Android 
Twitter for iPad
via twidroyd 
via UberTwitter 
UberSocial for BlackBerry
Freedom Tweets
ÜberSociаl for BlackBerry
Osfoora for iPhone 
UberSocial for Android 

Aplikasi Android SMS Gratis Indonesia - Sms Gratis Apk

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Kirim SMS gratis android ke semua operator melalui web. Silakan masukkan nomer HP penerima dan pesan yang diinginkan.

Selasa, Februari 12, 2013

Wondershare MobileGo for Android (Windows) full UPDATE 3.2.2 Full

Manage Everything on Android from Your PC

MobileGo is a life saver for those who love music and video, text a lot and juggle apps on their Android phones and tablets.
  • Android Fans: Backup everything to PC with 1 click & retain 100% quality.
  • Music Lovers: Instantly add fun stuff and enjoy media anytime, anywhere.
  • App Addicts: Download, install, uninstall and export apps quickly and easily.
  • Socialites: Transfer contacts from/to Outlook and send & reply SMS seamlessly from your PC.
incoming search
Wondershare MobileGo for Android 3.2.2 full