It worksonAll itemwhichareto be purchasedwithFBC(facebook credit). Youcanbuywithoutfbcredit to buyexpensive items(not permanent), but willdisappearafterdi refresh Do notneedanycheatingtoolslike : - Cheat Engine - Fiddler - Charles Note:Thishackis notpermanentbutpermanentforbatsthat will increaseyour skillpoints(power, contacts, luck) andonlyforWesternUnionPayments
- Play Baseball heroes - Go to shop - Select items of whatever you want - Select purchase - After which there will be a selection of payment - Looking for Western Union Quickpay - Fill out our e-mail (must / etc..) - Click Continue - Later there will be a mozilla in new window Do not let the cap before incoming inventory (no matter what happens do not close) Wait until the item Use. -~+!@#$##$%$# .... the magic happens =D
Credit to: awanFluFy Feature : - money cheat - habitat cheat - farm cheat Tools : - Cheat Engine Download Steps : 1. Money cheat - open your dragon city on facebook - wait until the loading finish - open your cheat engine - choose your browser by clicking the small computer icon - change value type to string - scan "eggs" (you need to type it) - after scan , change the value to infinite after scan, there will a few address at the left box of cheat engine. select them all and click the red cursor near the address box. the address will come to the below box of cheat engine. again, select them all and change the value to infinite by double click on it. - visit ur friends and back to your home - Done , enjoy the unlimited money 2. Habitat cheat - open your dragon city on facebook - wait until the loading finish - open your cheat engine - choose your browser by clicking the small computer icon - change value type to string - scan "habitat" (you need to type it) - after scan , change the value to infinite - visit ur friends and back to your home - Done , enjoy the unlimited money 3. Farm cheat - open your dragon city on facebook - wait until the loading finish - open your cheat engine - choose your browser by clicking the small computer icon - change value type to string - scan "farm" (you need to type it) - after scan , change the value to infinite - visit ur friends and back to your home - Done , enjoy the unlimited money Note : - GoodLuck and happy playing - If you failed, try again but before that clear your browser cache first - Working as 14 july 2012