It worksonAll itemwhichareto be purchasedwithFBC(facebook credit). Youcanbuywithoutfbcredit to buyexpensive items(not permanent), but willdisappearafterdi refresh Do notneedanycheatingtoolslike : - Cheat Engine - Fiddler - Charles Note:Thishackis notpermanentbutpermanentforbatsthat will increaseyour skillpoints(power, contacts, luck) andonlyforWesternUnionPayments
- Play Baseball heroes - Go to shop - Select items of whatever you want - Select purchase - After which there will be a selection of payment - Looking for Western Union Quickpay - Fill out our e-mail (must / etc..) - Click Continue - Later there will be a mozilla in new window Do not let the cap before incoming inventory (no matter what happens do not close) Wait until the item Use. -~+!@#$##$%$# .... the magic happens =D
gak bisa bouus
BalasHapuswow kena suspend ya om akuny :iii:
BalasHapusngeri nian, baru jg mw coba -_-