Selasa, November 20, 2012

Baseball Heroes - Skill Cheat or Homerun Hack (Contact Hit , Lucky Hit , Power Hit)

Baseball Heroes - Skill Cheat (Contact Hit , Lucky Hit , Power Hit)


First You Must Have Required Tools :
- WinRar 4 : ( With Crack )
- CheatEngine Latest Version :
- Adobe Flash Lastest Version :

Sellect Your Favorite Browser :
- Mozilla Firefox :
- IE :
- Google Chrome :
- Opera :

(Click skip in adf'ly, at the top right of the page.)
Tips : In the filehippo . com , Press Green Button to Download.

Guide for Cheat :

1. Open Baseball Heroes :
Baseball heroes
[ You have to wait until loading has done ] Click play

2. When you are in a match schedule page, go to cheat engine.then click the button, search for "plugin-container.exe",I use firefox to chrome, search chrome.exe.

see tutorial here

 then change the value type to "double", then you scan 0.07 will appear much result, and for the first bit confusing.

3. If you're lucky, you need to look for or notice is the address and the value 0.07 3 adjacent twin,and usually address ending in 80,88,90 as in the picture, it's me trying on win7. but was not sure it could be gan to change, because I try on MAC (Machintosh) his address ending in 58,50,58, .. so actually in the recall value of twins, once you find your computer, then the suffix will not change. Third clicked address, so it can fit into the list would you change address. indeed confusing, but once you find the correct address and you will easily remember his.

4. The next three value change 0.07 to number 10, or 20, because its effect will remain the same.assuming all three address: contact skills, power skills, skill lucky. but this can not be too sure on.

5. The next game live up to the game, to your page to manage players. completed.

Sabtu, November 17, 2012

Hack Password Wifi Dengan Fern WiFi Cracker

Cara pakai nya pun hanya tinggal Klik-klik aja

ok dah,langsung aja.. :D
Sebelum ,install Fern Wifi Cracker,sebaik nya instal ini dulu  :


Kurang lebih seperti ini penampilan nya

1.Langkah pertama.
kita Scan dulu,apakah ada Sinyal Wifi di sekitar sini ?

2.Wow ... Ternyata ada yang kedetect
dan gambar nya seperti di bawah

3.Klik WPA dan tampilannya akan seperti di bawah,
klik browse untuk mencari wordlist pada tools ini telah disediakan wordlist default,
tapi di sini saya menggunakan wordlist yang terdapat di sqlmap (/pentest/database/sqlmap/txt/wordlist.txt).

4.Dan Klik Attack ... :D

Keluar dah Password nya,
Seperti gambar di atas :D

Download disini Fren Wifi Cracker nya 
                >> Klik Disini <<

taro file nya di folder Root atau Home
dan instal meggunkan Peritah berikut :

dpkg -i Nama-File-yang-Akan-di-Instal (sesuai yang anda DOwnload )

disini saya pakai

dpkg -i Fern-Wifi-Cracker_1.2_all.deb

Ok,Kurang Lebih seperti itu Kawan cara Crack Wifi dengan Fern Wifi Cracker:D

Cara Membobol Password Admin Login Pada Windows 7

Sekedar diketahui, tips reset password windows 7 dibawah ini terpikirkan oleh saya ketika seperangkat komputer dikelas saya diberi 2 user login, 2 user tersebut yaitu:
  • Administrator User
  • Murid/publik user
nah untuk dipergunakan oleh siswa, setiap kelas hanya diperbolehkan mengakses Murid/publik user, yang sangat terbatas dalam ijin akses. Mengapa dikatakan terbatas? ya karena dalam akses publik tidak diperbolehkan mengakses Penginstalan software dan akses admin. Dari ketidaknyamanan diatas terlintas dipikiran saya untuk membobol password Administrator User login.
Penasaran dengan cara pembobolannya? simak tutorial dibawah ini.

Siapkan USB flash drive; atau CD/DVD Kosong (CD-ROM±RW).

Download, Install dan Burning Bootable

Download dan install  Windows Password Breaker Professional
Lanjutkan burning tools diatas ke media Burn a bootable password reset CD/DVD atau USB flash drive.
Reset Windows password Menggunakan  CD/DVD/USB bootable :
Sampai disini, anda akan melangkah pada dimana kita akan melakukan reset password windows 7. Langkah pertama colokan bootable password reset disk dimana komputer yang akan anda reset passwordnya. Pastikan BIOS setting bootable dari CD/DVD atau USB.
Kita asumsikan booting komputer anda benar, maka Anda akan melihat layar Windows Password Breaker pada modus DOS Command Prompt, seperti dibawah ini :
1. Pilih path instalasi Windows dengan memasukkan path ID Windows.

booting hack windows7 sonz blog

2. Semua Nama User account Windows akan ditampilkan untuk Anda. Masukkan ID dari Nama Pengguna tertentu untuk menghapus password akun tersebut.

booting hack windows7 sonz blog

3. Tekan huruf y untuk mengkonfirmasi dan melanjutkan operasi Anda.

booting hack windows7 sonz blog

4. Masukkan y lagi untuk menghapus password account windows yang lain atau masuk n untuk menyelesaikan proses reset password account Windows yang telah dipilih sebelumnya

booting hack windows7 sonz blog

5.Tekan sembarang tombol dan lepas bootable password reset disk dari komputer untuk me-restart kembali komputer Anda sebagai tahap akhir proses reset password windows 7 Anda.

booting hack windows7 sonz blog
Akhirnya, password Windows administrator telah berhasil dihapus. Sekarang Anda dapat login pada komputer Anda tanpa password dan mensetting ulang password baru anda.

Semoga tutorial diatas bermanfaat untuk kalian .

Cheat LS Lost Saga 5 November 2012 (Full Hack "NoDelay, 1Hit, Double Peso, Unlimited Token" WORK100%)

Update Cheat LostSaga!
WORK ALL WINDOWS,win 7,xp,vista WORK

Posted Image
Downloads Cheat
No Password
Injector Bisa pkai Perx Download disini 

Created By :
[-] Makasar-Community, N3

Thanks To :
[-] All Crue N3
[-] All Crue Makasar-Community
[-] All Crue

Feature :

No Delay Skill(Unlimited ilmu)
1HIT Crusade(Untuk Gebe :D)
1HIT All Mode(Atut di Banned)
Double Peso
Double Expi
Freeze Undead 
Anti Drop Damage(Auto ON)
Unlimited Token Emas
Unlimited Token Perunggu 
Anti Banned 

Hotkey :

1.Open PerX
3.Change What To Inject Dengan: lostsaga.exe
4.Click Browse Masukkan Dll Nya
5.Nodelay Tekan F1=On F2=OFF
6.E.H --> Tangan Kosong
8.Anti Gravity --> Jatuh Dari Ketinggian Apapun Darah Gak Kurang Asal Jatuh Di Filed
9.Bonus Peso --> Main Sampai Dapat Bonus Peso
10.Anti Weapon --> Semua Senjata Hilang Kecuali Mafia,Defender,Hook,CS.
11.Token Emas/Perunggu --> Auto ON
12.Anti Banned --> Auto ON 

How to use :

1.Buka Launcher LS
3.Buka Cheat
4.Login LS
5.Ke Cheat dan ceklis yang perlu
6.Tunggu Sampai 3 Detik Dan
7.Exit Cheat nya

Selasa, November 13, 2012

webcam7.PRO.v0.9.9.43.Build.35682.Multilingual.Incl.Keygen.and.Patch-REViSE.rar mediafire

Webcam7 PRO Build 35682 Multilingual | 8.91 MB Mediafire 

Webcam 7 Pro will provide users with the enhanced version of the popular webcamXP for Windows 7.

The Webcam 7 GUI is the same, however it offers exciting enhancements such as :
- Flash Video (FLV) audio and video streaming (high frame rate for low bandwidth)
- MJPEG recording with audio support

It is now available for beta testing and you can install it even if webcamXP is already installed, it will use its own settings, the only part in common is the IP Camera Directshow filter.

If you have a webcamXP license issued less than 2 years ago then you are entitled to use webcam 7 PRO. A free single source mode and the PRO trial mode are also enabled.

Key features of "webcam 7 Pro":
still jpeg images for low-tech devices
flash client (compatible with most operating systems and handheld devices)
javascript clients (MJPEG or JPEG PUSH)
Flash Video streaming (audio + video)
Windows Mobile 5.0 / 6.0 client
iPhone client (3rd party application required)
local and remote pan & tilt control (Logitech Orbit, Creative LiveMotion! and IP cameras)
supports FTP/FTPS and HTTP/HTTPS Post
motion detector (optical or acoustic) with many possible ways to handle alerts (local recording, ftp, http post, launch external applications)
advanced users manager to grant limited or unlimited access
overlay editor supporting picture in picture, animated gifs, alpha-blending and text editor
DVR (permanent recording deleted after X hours)
run as service
interract with PowerHome automation software
support audio from network cameras (panasonic, axis, etc...)

Home page: